Zondag 12 mei 2019, 10:00- 17:30 uur
Het wordt stilaan een traditie! Ook dit jaar komen de Indische docenten Sanskriet en yoga psychologie Anuradha Choudry en Vinayachandra Banavathi weer op bezoek bij Mangala voor een boeiende workshop. Ze geven op een heel enthousiaste en begrijpbare manier hun grondige kennis door tijdens interactieve workshops.
Today, doing yoga has become a very common phenomena and we find people all over the world carrying their mats to the studios, workplaces and even holidays to find the time to practice yoga as means for relaxation and finding a connection with oneself. Once the session is over, one gets back to normal life and ways of being. Being in yoga, is the application of the essence of yogic practices not just on the yoga mat but on the mat of life. What does that really mean? This workshop will be an opportunity to explore the subtle differences and relations between doing yoga and being in yoga.
May 12, 10:00 – 17:30, Korbeek-Dijle. Price €75, students €65. Prior subscription by mail is necessary.
About the teachers: In a world where yoga is in fashion and often reduced to a practice of postures and breathing exercises, Anu and Vinaya aspire to create awareness about the deeper aspects of Yoga traditions. They try to achieve this through their Centre for Yoga Studies, Ritambhara Yogashala, and by giving workshops worldwide. With the hope that if more people start engaging genuinely with the fun-damental questions about themselves and their relationship with the world, we build a better, more harmonious future.
Dr. Anuradha Choudry: PhD in Vedic Psychology from Pondicherry University, Erasmus Mundus Scholarship of the EU for an M.Litt in Crossways in European Humanities. She is Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur teaching Sanskrit, Indian Psychology & French. She is an instructor at YogaAnytime.com and teaches Spoken Sanskrit, mantras and Yoga Psychology at different institutions worldwide.
Dr. Vinayachandra B. K.: PhD on psychological insights in the Vedas from Pondicherry University, Masters’ degree in Sanskrit, English, Yogic Science and Applied Psychology. Director of Veda Vijnana Shodha Samsthanam, a research centre working in the areas of Sanskrit, Yoga and Indic Studies. Vinayachandra is a dedicated teacher who travels across the world conducting courses, lectures and workshops on a unique blend of yoga, psychology and Sanskrit.